Mark Tenney
October 4, 2013

Go from having a team to Leading a Team

Ways to Grow from having a team to Leading a team

These are all ideas you can choose from, please don’t try to do them all. Choose a few and implement them, over time you will find a routine that works for you.

  • Communication

    Start a Facebook group that you communicate on regularly
    *If you don’t want to start your own just yet, encourage your team to use the group page. There is so much information and inspiration found there.

    Start a monthly newsletter with shout outs
    *This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, it can even just be an e-mail with shoutouts to those on your team who did well the month before, important information,  and a short note from you.

    Set goals with your frontline and have them do the same with their frontline
    * Goals are really important and they will help your team work in a specific direction. Sit down and send out an email at the end of each month to your frontline helping them to have a plan and a goal. You need to make sure you have one too! Whether it is a sales minimum, recruiting, training, make sure you have a goal in mind.

    Communicate important things from the news tab
    *Make sure you are reading the news tab (especially back orders) and communicating it with your team during the busy season.

    *Remember Facebook is a great tool, but it is only an extra bonus. Never rely on Facebook to book, build, or grow your business. Train your team to think the same way

Affirmation/ Recognition

Birthday Cards/ Scentiversary Cards
*Run a report each month and send a personal  birthday or scentiversary card to each frontline
Run a performance report, click on add addition filter options and then select your dates to line up with the month you are looking to  find sentiversaries for. Click on Birthdays and line them up Jan to Jan and so on, to find out what birthdays are within that month.

Do facebook shoutouts
It is so wonderful to receive recognition but even more so public recognition. Set yourself up with a Monday shout outs, Or a tag a teaamie Tuesday! Try to get in the habit of shouting out big and small successes!
Recognize personal promotions
*Whether you send a post card, a card, a little certificate, a charm, etc, letting them know you recognize their promotion is a great way to help them to want to promote again!

Reading the News Tab Daily
*You will be asked questions, it is good to know the answers. It changes often so make sure you are learning as well.

Checking Team Numbers
* Run a performance report, then go through your level ones and see if they have recruited, added a party, are going to cancel, and so on. This is a great idea for a Monday. It will help you to keep up to date and get people prepped for the week.

Using the TEAM tab
*The team tab allows you to look at your team in comparison to last year and so on. It is a great to use in the beginning of the month to see where you want to shoot for in the end of the month. Always trying to outgrow your GWV yearly

Reading blogs/books/ listening to pod casts on leadership
* This may sound dumb, but it is where I get all my inspiration and ideas.
Mary Christensen has great books on growing a business.
Bob Burg has great gooks on making your business all about giving
Eat that Frog is an awesome book on time management
Michael Hyatt has the best pod casts that motivate, inspire, and help me to lead. You can check him out  at
Ways to engage your team

Booking Blitz
* A booking blitz is a dedicated hour you spend with your team competing to book parties. My rules are No group messaging, but facebook, text, email, phone call, messaging, are all good. Give them points for each person they contact and points for each party they book. Make sure you get inform them early that they will want to participate in the challenge later that night.  Give a small prize to the winner, but even better is all of the booked parties your team will have for the following month. This has unbelievable results, you just have to organize it.
Team Meetings
* Team meetings don’t have to be extravagant, just have a get together with the locals. Spend time recognizing their accomplishments, giving small tips, and networking as a team. If you are all spread out, then follow the next step.

Training Call/ Group chat
There are a million free ways to video chat, phone chat, group chat. In the beginning of my journey this was SO important for me and those who didn’t live close.  Don’t be intimidated by this, it will help your team feel so involved!

One on one coffee dates
One of my favorite things to do is to get to know my frontline and teams lives, hopes, goals, and dreams. A great way to connect is to meet once in a while for coffee or a dinner date.