Mark Tenney
August 1, 2013

Featured Friday: Beth Rockwood


My Scentsy journey began September 7, 2012 after one of the biggest transition periods in my short 30 years. I resigned from my full-time teaching position in May of 2012 and after finishing the school year, suddenly found myself a stay-at-home-mom to my two children who are now ages “almost 8” and 19 months. I never wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom; I was certain I was made to work! Funny how things change…

After my daughter, Brooklyn, was born I found myself wanting to take back all the times I said I could never stay home because at that time the ONLY thing I wanted to do was just that! I went to my husband after Brooklyn’s 4-month checkup in April 2012 and told him I didn’t want to go back to work the following year. I’ll never forget what he said to me at that moment. He said, “Beth, I should have been the one telling you not to go back when I saw how unhappy you were.” So, that was that. After lots and lots of tears, I decided to quit my job.

Summer came and went and I was used to having that time off so I didn’t really feel the change until all my friends were back in the classroom in August and I was home. Alone. Lonely. I needed something to do! I had attended a Scentsy party several months before and until that point, had never heard of the product. Then I hosted my own Scentsy party for my friend, now sponsor, Megan Jeffers. That party reached over $1000 in sales! I reached out to Megan a few weeks later and discussed joining with her. Really, I just needed a hobby and something to get me involved with other adults. Scentsy seemed like a good opportunity and I was loving the rewards I earned from my own party! I discussed this idea with my husband who was NOT supportive at all! He was afraid I was just trying to fill the gaps and was going to end up making myself too busy. That was a legit concern, but he finally agreed to let me give it a try.

I am happy to say that today, he loves Scentsy just as much as I do! What started for me as a hobby quickly turned in to a business. I couldn’t believe how things took off! I found myself with a team of 9. My recruits were recruiting and the ball started rolling. I have consistently sold at least $500 in PRV every month since joining. I attended Spring Sprint, interviewed with Joal Curtis about my business, earned the incentive trip, reached Scentsational Start Level 2, promoted to Star Consultant and most recently, attended Reunion. I am full of answers to my “why” but my biggest motivator is that now I see the possibilities and potential in my Scentsy business.

My husband works as a Tow Boat Captain for a company based out of Houston, TX. I live in Ohio with our children and he works on the boat for 20 days straight and then comes home for 10 days. Our schedule cycles like that throughout the entire year. We get a holiday every 3 years. We rarely have anniversaries or birthdays together. He didn’t get to see our son score his first touchdown or hear our daughter say her first words. We miss him terribly and I can’t help but wonder about all the “what-ifs” in the future. After Reunion, I had a conversation with Kelly Tenney about how life changing it would be if I could keep the momentum going in my business and eventually be able to sustain our family with him home. My kids could have their dad home and I would know what it was like to actually live with my husband!

I am coming up on my one year Scentiversary and can honestly say that I am more motivated and determined now to make this work than ever! One of the speakers at Reunion said something along the lines of “Every person in this room has a story that would break your heart.” I truly believe that. Scentsy has been such an incredible blessing in my life. It has given me something positive to focus my time and energy on. I have made and strengthened friendship with my recruits and my customers. It fills me with so much hope for the future that I almost forget about the past. I truly believe that each and every person joining this business has an even playing field for success. Success to me might be something totally different than success to you, and that’s OK! I just make sure I am following “The Golden Rule” with my customer service, giving back to worthy causes every chance I get, and staying consistent. A few things that have worked for me is managing a separate Facebook page for my customers, creating a VIP mailing list each month, and donating 10% of my commission every month to a charity such as The MS Society, local families struggling with death or illness, Nana’s Heroes, and many more. Being able to help others is what makes me feel the most successful. This season I am shifting my focus from selling to recruiting. If Scentsy can create so much happiness in my life and the life of my family, I want to make sure I am inviting every person to experience that same joy. I encourage each one of you to really listen to the other consultants in our group and learn from their experiences…both good and bad. The best thing about Scentsy is that it will be exactly what you make it. Figuring out your “why” and your “yay” moments will give you direction, just as it did for me.