Mark Tenney
July 19, 2013

Featured Friday: Ann Bradford


Before joining Scentsy, I dealt with low self-esteem, high anxiety, and had panic attacks almost daily. It had gotten so bad that I needed a service dog, Spaz, to help me get out of my house, go into stores, enjoy dinner, even help me in church. She calmed me and gave me something to focus on… Spaz. When I joined Scentsy, I never thought I would go anywhere with it. At my launch party, I sat on the floor so if I would pass out I was closer to the ground. Fast forward to today and most people cannot believe I was ever that person. The one standing proudly, talking about my business, having fun, and making other people happy.

God has blessed me with this unbelievable opportunity that has ultimately changed my life. I now offer this same blessing to others who are looking to change, whether it be their family situation, their finances, their health, or just something to do. I want to give people this same amazing feeling of confidence, happiness, and joy in their lives. As for Spaz, she’s still loves being by my side, but now just as a loving member of our family and not as a service dog