Mark Tenney
August 6, 2013

Tuesday Shmoozday- Weekly info you may need to know


Show off the latest Grace Adele styles with the NEW Fall/Winter 2013 Sales Kit. Customize your kit with one of each of the following items:

  • Faux Leather Bag
  • Faux Leather Clutch
  • Bag Scarf
  • Phone Holder Clip-on
  • Faux Leather Wallet
  • Strap
  • Classic Scarf
  • Medallion
  • Clip-onUse them in your party displays or wear them to promote your business! When you buy the Fall/Winter 2013 Sales Kit, you get up to a 20 percent discount on the products you want most. And you’ll earn 200 PRV when you purchase it!

The kit is only available on your Workstation through August 31 and cannot be purchased with Host Half-Price Rewards. Limit one per Consultant.

Holiday Catalog
One of the best parts of this time of year is the anticipation of the Scentsy Fragrance Holiday Collection!
This year, we will be rolling out our Holiday Collection in two separate flyers: One will celebrate fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving; the other will focus on winter, Christmas, and Hanukkah.

Watch for the fall flyer to be available on the Resources tab of your Workstation starting Aug. 16, 2013. Products from this flyer will be available for purchase starting Sept. 1, 2013.

The winter flyer will be available starting Sept. 17, 2013. Winter products will be available for purchase starting Oct. 1, 2013. As always, all products from both Holiday Collection flyers are available only while supplies last, so don’t wait to order your favorites as soon as they are available!


The Party Planner is a new system that will replace the current Host Portal e-vites tool.

It provides a multi-brand experience for Consultants and Hosts to plan successful parties.

With all of the social media, apps, and smartphones you have at your disposal, we know you need simple tools that make it easy for potential Hosts to say “yes” to hosting. The Party Planner reflects our new social reality with better ways to share parties on Facebook or even support a completely online event.

The Party Planner will be available for all brands and regions, offering the same functionality for Scentsy Fragrance, Grace Adele, and Velata.

Hosts can import email addresses from common email providers such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL – as well as through Facebook.

The Party Planner also offers an RSVP feature to allow Hosts to track who will be attending their party.The Party Planner will be available in North America and Europe starting Aug. 1.

Watch for more information and training on this new system in the weeks to come.

Scentsy and Grace Adele in Mexico and Australia 
• Scentsy Fragrance Australia:!/ScentsyAustralia?fref=ts

• Scentsy Fragrance Mexico:!/ScentsyMexico?fref=ts

• Grace Adele Australia:!/GraceAdeleAustralia?fref=ts

• Grace Adele Mexico:


Customer Loyalty Program
Starting Sept. 1, 2013, you and your customers will be able to subscribe to a monthly delivery of your favorite Scentsy Fragrance and Velata consumable products through our new Customer Loyalty program!

Just have your customers go to your Scentsy Fragrance or Velata PWS, where they’ll be able to subscribe to the program in three easy steps. There’s no minimum or maximum monthly order.

As an added bonus, for every dollar your customer spends through the program, your customer will earn a Customer Loyalty point. They’ll even get 10 bonus points for orders of $50 or more in the United States; or 12 bonus points on orders of $60 or more in Canada. When they reach 150 points in the United States or 200 points in Canada, they earn a half-price item to apply to a future purchase.

As their Consultant, you’ll earn PRV on every automatic order.

Velata customers can keep a steady supply of chocolate and cheese. And Scentsy Fragrance customers can make sure they never run out of their favorite Scentsy Bars, Fragrance on the Go products, or Layers by Scentsy products.

The Customer Loyalty program will launch Sept. 1, 2013, for Scentsy Fragrance, and on Oct. 1, 2013, for Velata.

For more information, check out the FAQ available on the Resources tab of your Workstation. Training and Quick Tips will be available as we near the launch dates.


Family Reunion 2014
Please join us July 9-11, 2014, for Gateway: St. Louis! Home of the famous Gateway Arch, St. Louis is a vibrant, friendly city known as the Gateway to the West. Built as a monument to America’s Western expansion, it is a symbol of innovation and adventure.